Monday, September 28, 2009

Deal signed with UNDP for development of CHT

A fresh momentum is expected to be created in development of the Chittagong Hill Tracts region through the signing of a latest agreement between the government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to extend the CHT development project for next four years.

The two sides decided to extend the 'Promotion of Development and Confidence Building in the Chittagong Hill Tracts' scheme until September 2013, based on the positive impacts of the current phase of the project which ends in September 2009, an official announcement said on Sunday.>more>
Dhaka, Sep 27 ( government and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed an agreement to extend the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) development project by four years.

The UNDP said in a statement on Sunday that the agreement would inject new force into the development of CHT region.

The statement said the decision to extend the 'Promotion of Development and Confidence Building in the Chittagong Hill Tracts' project until Sep 2013 was based on the positive impacts of the current phase of the project which ends this month.

 খাগড়াছড়িতে গ্রেপ্তার তিন জঙ্গি জেলহাজতে

খাগড়াছড়ির দুর্গম পাহাড়ে গ্রেপ্তার হওয়া জামাআতুল মুজাহিদীন বাংলাদেশের (জেএমবি) তিন সদস্যকে গতকাল সোমবার আদালতের মাধ্যমে জেলহাজতে পাঠানো হয়েছে। তাঁরা হলেন আবদুর রহিম ওরফে জাহিদ ওরফে সাইফুল্লাহ, দেলোয়ার হোসেন ওরফে সজীব ও ইউনুস আলী। গতকাল সকালেই র্যাপিড অ্যাকশন ব্যাটালিয়ন (র্যাব) তাঁদের মাটিরাঙ্গা থানায় সোপর্দ করে।
আদালত সূত্র জানায়, গতকাল দুপুরের দিকে ওই তিনজনকে খাগড়াছড়ির অতিরিক্ত মুখ্য বিচারিক হাকিম সাইফুল্লাহ্ হিরোর আদালতে হাজির করা হয়। তাঁদের রিমান্ডে নেওয়ার আবেদন করা হলেও তদন্ত কর্মকর্তার অনুপস্থিতি এবং প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র না থাকায় আদালত তাঁদের জেলহাজতে পাঠানোর নির্দেশ দেন।
এদিকে শান্তিপুরের লোকজন জানিয়েছে, গ্রেপ্তার হওয়া ব্যক্তিদের কাজকর্ম সন্দেহজনক ছিল। জঙ্গি আবদুর রহিম ও দেলোয়ার সম্পর্কে ভায়রা। দুজনেই বিয়ে করেছেন খাগড়াছড়ি জেলার মাটিরাঙ্গা উপজেলার দক্ষিণ শান্তিপুরের আবদুল লতিফের দুই মেয়েকে। একই এলাকার মোসলেম মিয়া বলেন, আবদুর রহিম এখানে মাঝে মাঝে এলেও কারও সঙ্গে সেভাবে মিশতেন না। আর দেলোয়ারের পোলট্রি খামার থাকলেও তিনি প্রায়ই এলাকার বাইরে থাকতেন। দেলোয়ারের অনুপস্থিতিতে তাঁর খামার দেখাশোনা করতেন ইউনুস। তাঁরা জেএমবির সদস্য হিসেবে র্যাবের হাতে আটক হওয়ায় এলাকার সবাই অবাক হয়েছে। >more>

Saturday, September 26, 2009

 খাগড়াছড়িতে কর্মশালায় অভিমত পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে ভূমির মালিকানা প্রথা ব্রিটিশদের তৈরি

খাগড়াছড়ি প্রতিনিধি
সম্পত্তির ওপর আদিবাসী নারীদের মালিকানার বিষয়টি পুরুষের ইচ্ছা-অনিচ্ছার ওপর নির্ভরশীল হয়ে পড়েছে। কেবল দান, উইলের মাধ্যমে সম্পত্তির মালিকানা লাভের বিষয়টি সংবিধানের সংরক্ষিত মৌলিক অধিকার ও মানবাধিকারের পরিপন্থী। ‘পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে আদিবাসী পরিবারে নারী সদস্যদের সম্পত্তির অধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠা’ শীর্ষক উদ্বুদ্ধকরণ কর্মশালায় বক্তারা এসব কথা বলেন। জেন্ডার ক্লাস্টার চিটাগাং হিল ট্র্যাক্টস ডেভেলপমেন্ট ফ্যাসিলিটি (ইউএনডিপি) ও চিটাগাং হিল ট্র্যাক্টস ওম্যান অর্গানাইজেশন নেটওয়ার্ক (সিএইচটি ওন) যৌথভাবে পার্বত্য জেলা পরিষদ মিলনায়তনে ১৪ সেপ্টেম্বর এ কর্মশালার আয়োজন করে। কর্মশালায় ‘মানবাধিকার ও আদিবাসী নারী: প্রেক্ষিত পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রাম’ ও ‘পার্বত্য আদিবাসী নারীর উত্তরাধিকার বৈষম্য প্রথা-মৌলিক ও মানবাধিকার পরিপন্থী’ বিষয়ে প্রবন্ধ পড়েন মং সানু চৌধুরী ও প্রতিম রায়।
মং সানু চৌধুরী বলেন, পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের ভূমির মালিকানা প্রথা ব্রিটিশদের তৈরি। জুমচাষের কারণে আদিবাসীরা ঐতিহ্যগতভাবে তাদের ভূমির মালিকানার প্রয়োজনীয়তা অনুভব করেনি। ব্রিটিশরা রাজস্ব আদায়ের তাড়নায় বনভূমিকে রাষ্ট্রীয় সম্পদে পরিণত করে এবং পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে ভূমির মালিকানার বিষয়টি সামনে নিয়ে আসে। আদিবাসীদের সমাজব্যবস্থা পুরুষতান্ত্রিক হওয়ায় জমির মালিক করা হয়েছে পুরুষদের। এভাবেই নারীদের বঞ্চিত করে যে উত্তরাধিকার প্রথার সূচনা তা এখনো বিদ্যমান আছে।
প্রতিম রায় বলেন, আদিবাসীদের বিয়ে নিবন্ধন খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। এর আইনগত ভিত্তি থাকা জরুরি। বিয়ের পক্ষে কোনো লিখিত দলিল না থাকায় পারিবারিক কোনো ঝামেলায় জড়ালে সে ক্ষেত্রে আদিবাসী নারীরা রাষ্ট্রীয় আইনের আনুকূল্য পান না। তাই সর্বজনীন বিধিবদ্ধ আইন প্রণয়ন প্রয়োজন।

Hasina for transit facilities with Nepal for regional dev

Apparently in this context, the Nepalese prime minister mentioned the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord 1997 signed during the previous government of Bangladesh Awami League.
He said Sheikh Hasina’s government can help Nepal “in a great way to maintain peace and stability” over there, because the last government under her leadership had been successful in restoring peace in the insurgency-ridden hilly areas of Bangladesh. >more>

“Bangladesh’s FATA” The Chittagong Hill Tracts

Recent development in the Chittagong Hill Tracts are giving rise to questions about the sensitive region and concern for the very sovereignty of Bangladesh as an independent nation.

A PROBE report Peace had long been a far cry in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Insurgency, clashes between the hill people and Bengalis and other acts of violence and lawlessness have continuously disrupted peace in the lush green hills. However, the peace accord signed in December 1997, brought a beam of hope to the region. Even the hardest of cynics had hoped that this accord, despite its shortcomings and flaws, would perhaps change the scenario to some extent and sow the seeds for future peace and harmony in the region. >more>“bangladesh’s-fata”-the-chittagong-hill-tracts-11227/

RIGHTS-BANGLADESH: Glimmers of Hope Amid an Elusive Peace

TOKYO, Sep 22 (IPS) - Sultana Kamal dreams of a country "where every single citizen will live in democracy, in equality" and where everyone has "equal share to resources and opportunities." Fulfilling this dream has been her lifelong advocacy as a human rights advocate.

The former adviser to the caretaker government of Bangladesh has served as a United Nations legal consultant for Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong. As a legal practitioner, she is committed to providing legal services to the poor and underprivileged.

Kamal joined the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971, which pitted the West Pakistan (now Pakistan) against East Pakistan, resulting in the latter’s secession as an independent state, now called Bangladesh. Among others, she helped collect information for the guerilla forces, Mukti Bahini (Liberation Army), and gave shelter to people displaced by the conflict. >more>

Conflicts & People of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Of Bangladesh

“A study of Bangladesh Society for the Enforcement of Human Rights (BSEHR) revealed that some 61.44 percent of indigenous people still face discrimination, 41.86 percent are victims of corruption and 18.67 percent have been evicted from their ancestors´ land.”

People who live in CHT are culturally distinctive indigenous communities like the Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Tanchangya, Mro, Lushai, Khumi, Chak, Khyang, Bawm and Pankhua, who often have kin-communities on the other side of the international border. They are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or animist for the most part. Since 1971, state-run projects as well as the crush of population in other parts of Bangladesh have brought Bengalis to settle in this area. > More>

CHT pullout decision premature: Ershad

Chittagong, Sep 18 ( Party chairman H M Ershad has said the partial pullout of troops from the three Chittagong Hill Tracts districts is premature -- the first time the chief of the key ally of the ruling coalition directly criticised a government decision.

"Conspiracy over Chittagong Hill Tracts is going on. The decision to withdraw troops is premature... We cannot let it become East Timor or Israel," Ershad said to reporters after a meeting with party leaders at Chittagong circuit house on Friday.

He, however, said the withdrawal of the army was 'significant'.

Asked how did he viewed the decision as a former army chief, Ershad said: "The government has withdrawn troops as it thought it right. However, the decision should have been taken only after further observation of the situation." >more>

Police want no more Ansars to help them

The Daily Star - Dhaka,BangladeshOf them, 6000 Ansars have been deployed in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT),2500 in southwestern region to tackle outlaw activities while the remainingAnsar ...>more>

Indigenous girl rescued, alleged abductor held

Police rescued an abducted indigenous girl from Ramganj in Laxmipur district on Tuesday noon and arrested alleged kidnapper Mohammad Shahparan Mia alias Ripon yesterday.

Mongsathowai Marma, father of Athuibai Marma, 13, lodged a case on Tuesday morning accusing Ripon for kidnapping his daughter from Nagbaipara village under Guimara upazila in Khagrachhari on September 4. >more>

Delhi doing its bit to reduce trade gap: Chakravarty

He requested the Indian trade delegation to invest in the growing Bangladesh economy through joint ventures.

Also attending the event, state minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts affairs, Dipankar Talukder, said the government was fully committed to reducing the trade deficit between the two countries through a range of bilateral initiatives.

"Bangladesh has a huge potential for investment, where 40 percent of industrial raw materials are imported from India," said Talukder.

Talukder said according to the Board of Investment, 181 proposals from Indian companies, worth a potential $460 million, in the agricultural, textile, chemical and engineering sectors were currently under scrutiny.

"Some 57 Indian enterprises are already operating in the country," he said.>more>

Bangladesh Country Specific Information | TravelDealsReview

U.S. citizens are advised against traveling to the Khagrachari, Rangamatiand Bandarban Hill Tracts districts (collectively known as the ChittagongHill Tracts) due to kidnappings and other security incidents, includingthose involving >more>

CHT settlers prepare for movement

Different organisations of the country particularly the organisations of Bengali settlers of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) area have been taking preparations to wage strong movement after Ramzan against the Government's move to withdraw army from CHT.

The Bengali settlers of the area and CHT based organisations in the capital under different banners are vigorously opposing this step.

Parbatya Chattagram Samo Odhikar Andolan, Parbatya Bangalee Chhatra Parishad (PBCP), Parbatya Gono Parishad and the three districts unit of Bangladesh Muktijuddha Sangsad are among the organizations are preparing to launch movement against withdrawal of army from CHT.

Samo Odhikar Andolan has already organised human chain and held rally and demonstration in the capital and in CHT protesting the government's decision. >more>

Probe finds Destiny's plundering of hills

A probe by Bomang chief of Chittagong Hill Tracts found network marketing company Destiny Group's involvement in hill cutting and commercial planting of trees on land owned by indigenous people of Bandarban.

The report of the investigation carried out by Bandarban Bomang Circle King Aung Shoi Prue Chowdhury at the request of the district administration was submitted to Bandarban Deputy Commissioner Mizanur Rahman on August 28 >more>

Documenting Bangladesh and beyond over 20 years

Twenty years can be a lifetime, but it can also be just the beginning. An early winner of the Global Bangemann Challenge (later known as the Stockholm Challenge), Drik has been a pioneer in several aspects. It set up DrikTap, the first nationwide email network in Bangladesh; the first Internet portal for Bangladesh at http://bd.; a human rights portal at and continues to lead the alternative media, by live web-streaming key Bangladeshi events to a global audience.

However, it is in the field of photography that Drik has made Bangladesh a global leader. Drik, through its education wing Pathshala, The South Asian Media Academy and Photography Institute, has produced photographers who have gone on to win major international awards and acclaim.

According to the organisation, it is built upon the concept of social justice. Over the last two decades, Drik has played a key role in the civil rights movements in Bangladesh, and in the process it has also made an impact in the global arena >more>

CHT cantonments will handle all security issues: minister

Dhaka, Sep 9 (—Armed forces stationed at the six Chittagong Hill Tracts cantonments will deal with security issues in the event of deterioration in law and order after pullout of army camps in the region in line with the CHT peace accord, a minister said on Wednesday.

"However, law and order has not worsened in the area over the ongoing withdrawal period, and will continue to remain calm in future," state minister for CHT affairs Dipankar Talukder told reporters after a meeting with Asian Development Bank country director Paul J Heytens at the Secretariat.

Talukder said 63 army camps from the three hill districts had been dismantled since tenure of the last BNP-led alliance government ended. >more>

Hills district court gives first death sentence

Bandarban, Sept 9 (—A Bandarban court on Wednesday sentenced a Chittagong Hill Tracts resident to death for murdering his wife, the first capital punishment issued by a CHT district judges' court since they were established in July 2008.

Belal Hossain, 25, from Hatiya village was told by Bandarban district judge Rishikesh Saha he could appeal the verdict at the High Court within seven days.

According to case details, Hossain hacked his 20-year-old wife, Henoara Begum, to death on May 13, 2008, in the Lombaghona area of Bandarban sadar upazila, and later dumped the body close to his home.

The following day, father of the victim Abdul Aziz filed a case with Satkania Police Station accusing Hossain of the murder.

Ilyasur Rahman, general secretary of Bandarban District Lawyers' Association, said it was the first death sentence issued by a district judge's court since they were set up in the three hill districts. >more>

Proper implementation of CHT projects stressed

Asian Development Bank (ADB) Country Director Paul J Heytens met State Minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Dipankar Talukdar at his secretariat office yesterday and discussed the 2nd phase of rural development project in CHT.

Presently, the first phase of the project is being implemented with the financial assistance from ADB.

At the meeting, the state minister stressed the need for proper marketing of commodities produced in CHT, development of road network, supply of water during dry season by harvesting rainwater, prevention of land erosion and development of infrastructure.

He also laid emphasis on monitoring for proper implementation of the projects >more>

The state in its fearsome symmetry

Democracy goes beyond the exercise of choosing a government. It is, in the broadest sense, the instilling of the idea in the minds of citizens that they matter, that the state is theirs to nurture, modify and make substantive in their interest as well as in the interest of the generations to be. Fear that the state has symbolised in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and among the various indigenous denominations in the country militates against the principles of the twilight struggle we waged in 1971. And as long as you do not go back home to secular politics, you will be an alien in your own land.

An Anu Muhammad under siege by the state is reason enough for us to reclaim the state as our own. And for a government, which professes faith in democracy, it is time for less volubility and much hard thinking. >more>

Land survey in hills starts on Oct 15

Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Land Commission has decided to start the work of land survey in three hill districts from October 15.

The land survey will start with surveying the land of those who returned home from India as registered refugees in the light of CHT Peace Accord.

Chairman of the Land Commission Md Khademul Islam Chowdhury, a retired judge, told this to journalists after its second meeting held at Rangamati Circuit House yesterday noon.

He said the survey would be completed in six months. If the survey cannot be completed in the scheduled time, the commission would extend the deadline, he added.>more>

Land survey in CHT begins Oct 15

Land survey in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in accordance with the 1997 Peace Accord with Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samity (PSJSS) will begin on October 15, CHT Land Survey Commission said today.

He said the work would begin with survey of lands of the tribal people who returned from India following the peace accord and of those living in relief centres, Chairman of CHT Land Survey Commission Justice (retd) Mohammad Khademul Islam told reporters in Rangamati.

The decision for starting the survey was taken at a meeting of the commission today, he said adding, the survey is to be completed in six months, but the time may be extended, if required.

About the land of internal refugees in the three hill districts, Justice Mohammad Khademul Islam said applications would be invited from these people. The decision about them will be taken after examination of information and documents >more >

Thai Jihad: Islamic Assassins Target Buddhist Civilians in Thailand

Classic Mohammedan warfare in the “deep South:” the Buddhists are being terrorized, killed at random, driven out of their homes. This article shows a similar modus operandi wherever the soldiers of allah have been allowed to settle and gained critical mass:

The rate of beheaded Buddhists is proportionate to the concentration of Muslims within a Buddhist population> more>

Withdrawal of Military from CHT; an Over View on its Aftermath

Hills, nowadays, have reached to hill of discussion among the people of Bangladesh from all segments indiscriminately religion, class, profession, gender and even age. The fact that lies behind this is neither a matter of negligence nor a fact of easy to handle but a hard nut to crack. The Chittagong hill tracts area, commonly known as CHT, consists of 5,093 square miles which, from real perspective of calculation, covers ten percent of the total land area of Bangladesh. This is, truly, one side of the coin whenever another side suggests that only this numeric calculation never illustrates the genuine value of the area. This area is relatively rich in natural resources, with fruit growing capability in abundance. There is also timber, bamboo and gas, and possibilities for oil exploration have been actively pursued in recent years. The vicinity is to the North-East of Bangladesh as well as to the north-east of India and are, in the same time, remote strategic areas for both which are normally closed to foreigners from Indian side. Moreover India never permits any international organization even United Nations High Commission for Refugee (UNHCR) in any of the so called refugee camps. All these aspects of the matter make Bangladeshis more cautious, fearful and dubious regarding this region.>more>

Letters from Tokyo Islamic Militants Target Buddhists in Thailand

The Islamic insurgency in Southern Thailand is ongoing and political and military leaders in Thailand appear to be at a loss because of many internal political and economic convulsions. Yet it is clear that radical Islamists desire an independent state and this state is meant to be Muslim to the core, and all Buddhists are deemed to be expendable.

In Kashmir the Hindu minority was forced to flee because innocent civilians were targeted by Islamic jihadists and Serbian Orthodox Christians in Kosovo have witnessed the endless destruction of their Christian churches and culture.

A similar pattern can be seen because Buddhists face daily fears and gradual Islamization in the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh. While recently three Christian pastors in Northern Nigeria were beheaded by Sunni Islamists because they refused to renounce Christianity. > more >

UN chief assures continued support to boost Bangladesh's democracy

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon assured Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of continued support for further strengthening parliamentary democracy in Bangladesh.

He also gave the assurance that the United Nations would give all necessary support to Bangladesh to cope with the challenges of global climate change.

The assurances came when the Bangladesh Premier met with the UN Secretary General at the Palais des Nations here on Thursday evening.

Press Secretary to prime minister Abul Kalam Azad briefed newsmen after the meeting.

During the meeting, the UN secretary general invited Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to attend a special UN conference of heads of government and state of 25 countries to be held on September 22 in New York ahead of the UN General Assembly session >more >

Muslims in Bangladesh Seize Land Used by Church « Particular ...

By Particular Kev
Members of the Shanti Bahini, tribal guerrillas who fought for autonomy in
the hill tracts, ended a 25-years revolt in the Chittagong Hill Tracts area
in 1997 under a peace treaty in which the government was to withdraw troops

Planters trapped by unholy nexus

The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
Photo: StarShantimoy Chakma, Rangamati Real planters struggle to market
their ... Gunodhar Chakma, a jote owner, alleges they have to give Tk 1.5

Army pullout puts peace in Bangladesh hills to test

Gulf Times - Doha,Qatar
A move by the Bangladesh government to fully implement a peace deal in the
rugged Chittagong Hill Tracts has settlers from other regions worried it

Threatened reserve forests

The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
LOOTING of the reserve forests in the Chittagong Hill Tracts has reached
alarming proportions. The way the illegal loggers in collusion with some

2 abducted in Rangamati

The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
In a press release, UPDF claimed that members of Parbatya Chattagram Jana
Sanghati Samity (PCJSS) abducted Shukra Sen Chakma, 29, of Jurachhari >more>

Reserve forests turn barren

The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
Avoy Prakash Chakma, timber trader and president of Upajatiya Kathbabsayee
O Jotemalik Kalyan Samity, blames the foresters for not protecting the

Muslims in Bangladesh Seize Land Used by Church

Right Side News - Kennesaw,GA,USA
Members of the Shanti Bahini, tribal guerrillas who fought for autonomy in
the hill tracts, ended a 25-years revolt in the Chittagong Hill Tracts area

Army pullout puts peace in Bangladesh hills to test

Kuwait Times - Kuwait City,Kuwait
By Nizam Ahmed A move by the Bangladesh government to fully implement a
peace deal in the rugged Chittagong Hill Tracts has settlers from other
regions ...>more>>

Dist admin stops illegal plantation

The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
Nazemul, however, could not reply to the query as to how they could own
lands in Chittagong Hill Tracts region without any permission of the
district ...>more>

Movement to safeguard nat'l integrity urged

Speakers at a discussion yesterday called for a movement so that Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) cannot be disintegrated from the main land.

The Aggression Protirod Jatiya Committee organised the discussion programme protesting threat to the country's integration in the name of implementation of CHT Peace Accord at the monthly Modina office at Purana Paltan in the city.> more>

Lord Avebury hails troops withdrawal

By The Daily Star
Co-chair of the International Commission on Chittagong Hill Tracts Lord
Eric Avebury yesterday praised the government's move to withdraw troops
from the region as a part of the peace process there. > More>

Bangladeshi Portal, Bangladeshi Community

The High Court on Sunday directed the government to temporarily suspend
withdrawal of troops from the Chittagong Hill Tracts, until Aug 19, on two
separate petitions filed last week. The directive came just hours after the
International ...>more>

Bangladesh Open Source Intelligence Monitors: FLASH: High Court ...

The High Court on Sunday directed the government to temporarily suspend
withdrawal of troops from the Chittagong Hill Tracts until Aug 19, on two
separate petitions filed last week. The two petitions were filed last
Sunday seeking a ...>more>