Saturday, September 26, 2009

“Bangladesh’s FATA” The Chittagong Hill Tracts

Recent development in the Chittagong Hill Tracts are giving rise to questions about the sensitive region and concern for the very sovereignty of Bangladesh as an independent nation.

A PROBE report Peace had long been a far cry in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Insurgency, clashes between the hill people and Bengalis and other acts of violence and lawlessness have continuously disrupted peace in the lush green hills. However, the peace accord signed in December 1997, brought a beam of hope to the region. Even the hardest of cynics had hoped that this accord, despite its shortcomings and flaws, would perhaps change the scenario to some extent and sow the seeds for future peace and harmony in the region. >more>“bangladesh’s-fata”-the-chittagong-hill-tracts-11227/

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