Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Islam Watch:Hill People of Bangladesh: Islamic Chauvinism destroys the Beauty of a Diversified Country

An English saying goes – beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Beholders are none but us, the human beings, who (must) have a mind of openness, impartiality, liberality and diversity in our judgment of everyone and everything that happen to be in a human society. The Law of a human society is different from the Law of the jungle, simply because human beings have appreciation of openness, impartiality, liberality and diversity. Animals of the jungle have no sense of respect, tolerance and appreciation of the beauty that lies in social and religious ethnicity and diversity. Therefore human beings who lack these beautiful humane qualities are no better than animals of the jungle. They are animals in disguised human forms. The insolent reason for human beings not having these beautiful humane qualities is none other than religious extremism – a religion which dictates only in ONE: one religion – Islam, one race – Bangla and one language – Bengali> detail>

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