The hills, the hills! 7th-9th March
Since I first learned that I’d be going to Bangladesh to work with indigenous peoples, I’ve had the fabulousness of the Chittagong Hill Tracts rubbed in my face. Everyone I got in touch with pre-departure either raved about just how much they loved it there, but how different it is to the rest of the country, or complained about the difficulties of living in the plains and how much better life is in the hill tracts. At the time, this made me a) panic that the most of the country, and more particularly, my would-be home, was some nightmarish place that would have to be endured rather than enjoyed, and b) green with envy at the tales of drinking and merriment that (apparently) is all that ever goes on there. Since arriving, I’ve realised that this is not really a fair picture: as I hope I’ve made clear, there’s lots to love about Bangladesh, and I’ve grown very fond of my little corner of the country. However, the tales of jungle juice and bamboo chicken that emanate from the hills via my esteemed colleagues who work there have remained highly intriguing, so you can imagine my delight when we managed to bully our programme manager into holding one of VSO’s jargon-filled workshops in Khagrachari (one of the three main towns in the CHT, and by all accounts heaven on earth… )>full story>
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
PM for modern agri sector to ensure food net
Spijkers suggested that Bangladesh could produce coffee and cashew nut inthe Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) districts in larger volume, which willhelp the ...>Full Story>
Santu Larma gets bail in attempted murder case
On February 25, Chandra Shekhar Chakma, former general secretary of thehill council, filed the case against 15 people including Larma with Kotwalipolice ...>Full Story>
Eric Avebury: Events this week
Thursday I had an interesting meeting to discuss the situation of Buddhistmonasteries in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. It would be goodto see what could be done to help them financially, and I'm thinking aboutthat. ...>Full Story>
One Jumma girl child raped in Dighinala | Gender
As the world observes International Women’s Day, a girl child is raped ina village in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, a region where an overwhelmingpresence of military and settlers makes the ethnic Jumma women mostvulnerable to sexual >Full Story>
Women demand equal rights, end to violence
... at a discussion meeting at Khagrachhari yesterday demanded due role ofindigenous women in socio-development projects in Chittagong Hill Tracts(CHT). ...>Full Story>
Pass your More Time in American Express US Cottage « Travel Guide ...
Urdu-speaking, non-Bengali Muslims from other regions of India such asBihar, as well as various tribal groups who live mostly in the ChittagongHill Tracts in the southeast, comprise the remainder. Most Bangladeshis(about 83%) are ...>Full Story>
Rebuilding neighbourhood ties
The Chittagong Hill Tracts should enjoy a fuller degree of genuineautonomy, as promised. While it is no longer possible for Bangla settlersto be ...>Full Story>,+Sheikh+Hasina&SectionName=aVlZZy44Xq0bJKAA84nwcg==>
Bangladesh: ’People Voted Freely Against Terror, Religious Bigotry’
Of course, we shall implement the agreement on Chittagong Hill Tracts. TheMinister in charge of the CHT is now seized of the matter. ...>Full Story>
'Reformist' PCJSS leader sues Larma, 13 others
'Reformist' PCJSS leader Chandra Shekhar Chakma, who was shot by theunidentified criminals near his residence at Champak Nagar in the town onJanuary 25, ...>Full Stroy>
15 more JS bodies formed
... affairs ministry, Dabirul Islam science and information andcommunication technology ministry, and Promod Mankin Chittagong Hill Tractsaffairs ministry. Full story>
Meningitis outbreaks in India and Nigeria, mumps in the UK - more
"The three north-eastern states have borders with the Chittagong HillTracts (CHT) of Bangladesh where meningococcal meningitis is spreading inan epidemic ...>Full Story>
FM favours talks with extremists to resolve any problem
... like the insurgency-problem resolution in the Chittagong Hill Tracts,there is any scope for a negotiated solution of the problem of extremismthe ...>Full Story>
Plague threat looms as Bangladesh rat problem grows
Bangladesh's remote Chittagong Hill Tracts region faces aserious risk of prolonged famine and bubonic plague unless a ballooning rat...>Full Story>
A look at pre-1947 leadership of Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus « Sikh ...
For instance, the Chittagong Hill Tracts district, with only three per centMuslims, and ninety- seven per cent non-Muslims, was allocated to EastBengal in violation of the terms of reference, and the instructions of thepartition ...>Full Stroy>>
Demilitarisation of CHT admin a must
Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC) at the press briefing at theNational Press club in the city came up with the recommendations aftercompleting its ...>Full Story>
Four PLA cadres arrested
Gandhi said the militants were taking the Meghalaya route to Manipur fromtheir camps in Chittagong Hill Tracts. Quoting the rebels, he said manyNortheast ...>Full Story>
Illegal hill rock extraction threatening ecology
... and Engineering Department), Public Works Department (PWD), ChittagongHill Tracts Development Board (CHTDB) and Roads and Highways Department(RHD). ...Full Story >
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Chittagong Hill Tracts Of Bangladesh | The Pakistani Spectator
cHTs is the integral part of Bangladesh. Its total area is 5 thousand and93 square miles. The three hill districts Rangamati, Bandarban andKhagrachari cover. Full Story-
Dhaka Alternative Archive: India’s unconventional war strategy
This force comprises the Chittagong Hill Tracts Hindu and Buddhiststribesmen (the Chakmas) and the intention is to bleed the Bengali militaryand keep the border area tense. The Chakmas used to embarrass theBangladesh government ...full story-
Hasina for political solution
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina yesterday said problems of the Chittagong HillTracts (CHT) will have to be resolved politically as these are allpolitical ...full story-
Number of guest birds on the decline
There is no sanctuary for birds in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT),although there is a lone sanctuary for wildlife under the CHT North ForestDivision at ...full story-
Monday, March 16, 2009
Malaria claims 92 people's lives in Bangladesh last year
... 65000 others last year in three districts of Bangladesh's southeasternChittagong hill tracts, local newspaper The Daily Star reported onWednesday. ...>more>
Bamboo, rats and famine: Crisis brewing
Since 2007, unusually large numbers of rats have been flooding out of theforests of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), causing major suffering andhardship ...>more>
Village courts on family rows in the offing: Ashraful
Earlier, three teams led by visiting UN coordinator Ajay Chhibber,co-chairman of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission Lord Eric Avebury, andchief of the ...>more>
Govt moves to implement CHT accord fully: Dipu Moni
Foreign Minister Dipu Moni today said the present government would initiateall steps to implement the Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT) accord fully. ...>more>
CHT accord to be implemented fully
The Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Dipu Moni yesterday said the governmentwould take necessary measures for full implementation of the ChittagongHill Tracts ...>more>
Govt needs to tackle CHT food deficit: Commission
Dhaka, Feb 16 ( - The Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission, aninternational and independent fact-finding mission, has called forgovernment ...>more>
Check graft in CHT rationing
Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Commission yesterday requested the governmentto check corruption of the rationing system in CHT and provide rations tothe ...>more>
Land commission to resolve CHT problems soon
The government will form a land commission to resolve land problem issuesfor all aboriginal communities in Chittagong Hill-Tract districts as theownership ...>more>
Displaced Chakma community hit by border fencing work
Aizawl, Feb 14: More than 35000 people, majority of them belonging to theChakma community are facing difficulty in the ongoing fencing along the318-km ...>more>
Leader of opposition expresses concern over meningitis spread
Even one villager, Panchajoy Chakma(57) of Dinamohan Karbaripara, who wassuffering from the disease died in front of me before we could take him tonearby ...>more>
118 rebels flee Bangladesh camps
... specially Sylhet district and Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in themainly hilly region of Bangladesh bordering India's Tripura, Mizoram andMeghalaya ...>more> <>
World Prout Assembly: Cultural Rights of Adivasi Peoples and the
will refer to these peoples as Adivasi and include both the "hill"peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and the Adivasi and other so-called'tribal" peoples in other parts of the country. Yet, the more visibleaspects of mainstream' ...>more>
Mysterious disease claims two dozen lives in Tripura
Expressing the helplessness of the situation, Uttara Chakma, a villagersaid, “We do not get any treatment or medicine from anywhere. ...>more>
NE Underground: HNLC low on cash, says cadre
The 25-year-old woman cadre belonged to the army wing of the HNLC and hadreceived arms training in Chittagong Hill Tracts in 2003 soon after joiningthe outfit. Marbilas, who had been staying in the HNLC camp in Bangladeshsince 2003, ...>more>
HNLC low on cash, says cadre
The 25-year-old woman cadre belonged to the army wing of the HNLC and hadreceived arms training in Chittagong Hill Tracts in 2003 soon after joiningthe ...>more>
Bangladesh sends troops to destroy poppy plants
A nearly 25-year-long insurgency in the Hill Tracts ended in a 1997 peacedeal between the Bangladesh government and Shanti Bahini tribal militants, >more>
Chakma fencing victims not displaced: Mizoram govt
In Mizoram, over 35000 Chakma tribals are going to be displaced due to theongoing India-Bangladesh border fencing which is being constructed toprevent ...>more>
Gas, Water, Electricity Crisis in Chittagong
Anyway if we try to assess reality the Hydropower generation may notimprove until there is heavy rainfall in Chittagong Hill Tracts area. ...>more>
Meningitis claims 165 lives in northeast
“The three northeastern states have borders with the Chittagong HillTracts (CHT) of Bangladesh where meningococcal meningitis is spreading inan epidemic ...>more>>
Chittagong - Bangladesh | UK Asian Blog
Chittagong is one amongst the six administrative divisions that Bangladeshis divided into. It is a very clean and picturesque city, on the foothillsof the Chittagong Hill-Tracts. The River Karnafuli, flows through it andjoins the Bay ...>more>
CHT councils to be reformed: minister
Bangladesh News 24 hours - Dhaka,Dhaka,BangladeshState minister for Chittagong Hill Tract affairs Dipankar Talukdar said thegovernment would recast the councils in Khagrachari, Rangamati andBandarban ...>more>
26 deputy attorneys general appointed
Shakila Rawshan, Farhad Ahmad, Promila Biswas, Karunamay Chakma,Mostafa Zaman Islam, Md Mojibur Rahman Miah, Goutam Kumar Roy, Nazrul IslamTalukdar, ...>more>
Bangladeshi foreign minister meets with Chinese think tank delegation
Foreign Ministry Director General for the Far East Sudipta Chakma quotedDipu Moni as saying that China can play a greater role in improvingeconomic ties ...>more>
Denuncian ante la ONU despojo de recursos a pueblos de Oaxaca
Devasish Roy, príncipe chakma de Bangladesh, se queda con el artículo 3:“los pueblos indígenas tienen derecho a la libre determinación”. ...>more>
23383 hectares land under Boro cultivation in CHT
Cultivation of boro is going on in full swing in the Chittagong Hill Tracts(CHT). Farmers and agriculture officials in the three hill districts areworking ...>more>
Delhi based human rights centre condemns Tokyo Co-chair stand
Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR), a New Delhi-based human rightswatchdog headed by Suhas Chakma, in a statement issued on Wednesday saidthe Tokyo ...>more>
No move yet to reopen Rangamati Textile Mill
Rangamati Textile Mill (RTM), the lone industry in the Chittagong HillTracts (CHT), is closed for several months, leaving hundreds of workersunemployed ...>more>
60000 Mros made gypsies of the hills
Ranglai says the Mro community did not get any position in the ChittagongHill Tracts regional and district councils even after the peace accord. ...>more>
Call to preserve cultural heritage of indigenous people : Dhaka Mirror
200 artistes of 12 indigenous communities from Chittagong Hill Tracts andCox’s Bazar including Chakma, Tripura, Khumi, Bom, Mro, Lusai, Pangkhoaand Rakhain participated in the fair and performed their traditional ...>more>
Better water management for improved livelihood
Similarly, there has been decline in water quality in the Chittagong HillTracts (which is affecting the highland population) due to seasoning oftimber in ...>more>
Quader celebrates indigenous Bangladesh
Some 12 indigenous communities from the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Cox'sBazar including Chakma, Marma, Pangkhua, Bom, Murong, Rakhain participatedin the ...>more>
Letter to PM Sheikh Hasina with Recommendations to Improve Human
There are continuous reports of indigenous groups, in the Chittagong HillTracts and other parts of the country, being subjected to land grabbing, >more>
Govt to implement CHT accord fully
The government is going to fully implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)Peace Accord which remains shelved for the last seven years during the ...>more>
Three hill councils without woman members for 20 yrs
However, there are four female members among 22 members of Chittagong HillTracts Regional Council (CHTRC) since its beginning in 1998 >more>
Coalition to protect rights of indigenous people
... meeting was also attended by Nirola Tongsong, litterateur SelinaHossain, Dr HKS Arefin, Proshenjit Chakma of UNDP and Kirti Nishan Chakmaof Danida >more>
Origin of the Chakmas
Among the ethnic groups of the Chittagong Hill Tracts the Chakmas are thelargest group. ... The Kukis are the first settler in the Chittagong HillTracts. ...>more>
Rangamati park turns into nursery
The nursery owner made fences around major portion of the park, prohibitingentrance to the park," school students Riddhi Chakma and Alida Chakma said >more>
Two Psilorhynchus named from India
Practical Fishkeeping - Bretton,England,UK... in the foothills of the Chittagong hill tracts in southeasternBangladesh. The water was clear to slightly turbid, with a moderate to fastcurrent.>more>>
4 charge-sheeted in Khagrachhari for grabbing 20 acre land
Mohammad Aminul Hoque grabbed at least 20 acres land of Chaindi Aung Marma61, Anil Chakma, Satho Aung Marma, Neeaung Marma and Lali Marma ofGanjapara ...>more>
Bangladesh Report by GHRD | Human Rights Today
Minority voters at in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) have been threatenedby the cadres of BNP. Three houses at West Nanupur-Fatikchari Upazila and aPagoda of a Buddhist Temple within the Constituency of Chittagong-2 wasburnt down. ...>more>
New Gov't Commits to Peace with Bangladesh Tribes
During this time, violence and intimidation against the Jumma tribal peoplein the Chittagong Hill Tracts intensified. More than 50 indigenous leadersand ...>more>
Honour for writers
7: A number of awards has been announced for writers who have contributedin preserving languages such as Chakma and Mundari. Ramnika Foundation, aNew ...>more>
Misappropriation of fund alleged
Misappropriation of government fund by a contractor with the help of asection of officials at Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board (CHTB) putthe work ...>more>
New government commits to peace accord - News from Survival ...
During this time, violence and intimidation against the Jumma tribal peoplein the Chittagong Hill Tracts intensified. More than 50 indigenous leadersand activists were arrested, many on false arms charges. ...>more>
Chittagong Hill Tracts: Rights Advocate Murdered
Ladu Moni Chakma, 55, was […] stabbed […] by Bengali Muslim settlers inAugust [2008]. Chakma was attacked after reporting illegal land grabs tothe ...>more>
Hasina unveils her surprise team
Talukdar who was a state minister for Chittagong Hill Tract Affairs in the1996-2001 AL government will return to the ministry again. ...>more>
Ensure equal rights of indigenous people
Maj Gen (retd) CR Dutt, a sector commander of the Liberation War, condemnedthe repression of the indigenous community in Chittagong Hill Tracts andcalled ...>more>>
CHT peace accord
The Chittagong Hill Tracts has a vast potential for rapid development as aregion, which the planners think, has remained largely untapped. >more>
Let us emulate Israel this year
was because the ISI was giving sanctuary to terrorists and insurgentsin the Chittagong Hill Tracts from where they were operating in North-EastIndia. ...>more>
Daily Khabor @ Khabor.Com: [] Re : Jamaat-e-Islami's ...
A massive humanitarian crisis is occurring in Bangladesh and may I invitethe readers' kind attention towards the continued illegal occupation of theBangladesh army in the district of Chittagong Hill Tracts. There is analarming rise >more>
Good Read: World - Bangladesh;Eastward Ho!
Clearly, the latter are considered more expendable and the trail runs coldpast the Chittagong hill tracts. Hasina’s ascension to power is perhaps agood time for New Delhi to address the threat from outside the easternborder.>more>
Ranging from the Pakistan/Afghan border, Kashmir, Chittagong Hill Tracts,Maoists in Nepal, Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka and so on, women and childrenhave been caught in the nightmare of war. They are affected in various waysduring an >more>
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