AL nominees won all three seats from the Chittagong Hill Tracts. LDP chiefOli Ahmed, a former BNP minister, lost his Satkania (Ctg 14) seat to aJamaat >more>
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
He also condemned seriously the oppression of indigenous people andminorities across the world including the situation in the Chittagong HillTracts. He also expressed his unwanted plea of enforcing the Armed ForcesSpecial Power Acts >more>
Election Manifesto of Bangladesh Awami League
The treaty on the water sharing of the river Ganges, the peace accord inChittagong Hill Tracts, recognition of 21st February as internationalmother language day, election to the UN Security Council, sub-regionalcooperation through >more>
KRA rejoices on 10th B'day
Saying that Kukis ruled over their ancestral land freely before the arrival British colonists, Th Misao noted that the uprising of Kukis against annexation of their land by British in 1917-19 is known as Kuki Rebellion in history.He further claimed that Kukigam covers Chittagong hill tracts of Bangladesh, Saigang division of Myanmar and several parts of India.>more>
Travels to Thailand and Bangladesh
the hill tracts outside of Chittagong called Rangamati. It was a long ride by van, but the road was much better than going to the Tea Plantation. There was an actual dividing line in the highway - not that it made much difference, but it was an attempt at keeping traffic divided >more>
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Call to ensure rights of indigenous people
Leaders of United Peoples Democratic Front (UPDF) yesterday called on the government to recognise indigenous people constitutionally, ensure their rights to lands and language and stop repression in the name of security personnel's operations in the CHT areas>more>
Buddhists Drive Bangladeshi Christian from Home
Journal Chrétien - Paris,FranceThe Chittagong Hill Tracts region comprises three districts : Bandarban,Khagrachuri and Rangamati. The region is surrounded by the Indian states ofTripura ...>more>
China AidChakma often interceded with the Chittagong Hill Tract Commission on behalfof the indigenous people about their rights and the cruel manner in whichBengali settlers illegally took lands from indigenous people, the pastoradded. ...>more>
19 Ladu Moni Chakma, 55, was stabbed repeatedly and his throat was cut atSajek in Baghaichuri sub-district in Rangamati district after he reportedto the Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission how a military commander helpedsettle Bengali >more>
Bangladesh Hindu & Non-Muslim Minority ...
UPDF (United Peoples Democratic Front) and PCJSS (Parbotto ChottogramJonoshonghoti Samity) -- the only two large political parties representingthe rights of the Pahari/Jumma people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts>more>
One of the reasons why Indira Gandhi decided to support the independencemovement in the then East Pakistan was because the ISI was givingsanctuaries to the terrorists and insurgents in the Chittagong Hill Tracts(CHT) from where threy >more>
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Election 2008: Don't turn my mobile off
Criminals would use mobiles we were told, and so the Chittagong Hill Tractswent without mobile networks until this year. A similar fear factor isbehind >more>
'Prince' among three heavyweights in Bandarban race
Voters in the Bandarban hill district see a neck-and-neck fight between three candidates in the constituency. The 'Prince' and two other local heavyweights are all indigenous candidates – one of them running under the grand alliance banner, another from the four-party and the third as independent. >more>
এক নজরে বিএনপি-জামাতের পাপের লিষ্ট
80. Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord: BNP-Jamat Alliance shouted against the Accord when it was made by the AL government but they decided to stay on the course. Actually they are not implementing the Accord at all. Instead roadblocks are put up against execution of the Treaty and BNP-Jamat goons are attacking, terrorizing and occasionally killing tribesmen of Chittagong Hill Tracts. The other aboriginal populations of the country are also under various harassments and many of them are evicted now and then from their ancestral homes.>more>
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Elections present risks and opportunities for human rights
Parliamentary elections scheduled for 29 December offer a unique opportunity for improving Bangladesh's battered human rights situation. As an immediate matter, the elections signal the end of a two-year period of state of emergency marked by severe restrictions on political rights such as free assembly and free expression. If conducted properly and free of violence, the elections could inaugurate a more responsive, accountable civilian government -- a development necessary for improving the lives of millions of Bangladeshis now living in grinding poverty and without access to proper housing, education, or health care.>more>
Between ashes and hope
N Dighinala, the lead Jumma (Pahari) speaker switches to Bangla after the initial Chakma greeting. As I film the crowd, I can see scattered Bengali faces. Later I ask one organiser if speaking Bangla is a way to appeal to Bengali voters. "Yes," he replies, "But don't forget, not all Paharis speak Chakma." Chakma, Marma and Tripura are the biggest presence at these meetings, but the official records show eleven different ethnic Jumma groups in Chittagong Hill Tracts.>more>
One-eyed media may hinder polls
The signing of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord in December 1997during her premiership is a glorious milestone in the history ofBangladesh.>more>
Dealing with Haters from Bangladesh | the uncultured project
One of the common themes is anti-Americanism or anti-Western attitudes. Ironically enough, many of these comments are from those who were wealthy enough to emigrate to the developed world to pursue a job or an education.
Shortly after posting my video where I teamed up with Rick Davis to help kids in the Chittagong Hill-Tracts, a South Asian living in the UK writes: >more>
Shortly after posting my video where I teamed up with Rick Davis to help kids in the Chittagong Hill-Tracts, a South Asian living in the UK writes: >more>
Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board
is a portal for tenders and procurement opportunities frominternational development banks and government agencies worldwide.>more>
Monday, December 22, 2008
Chittagong Hill Tracts: Emergency Law Lifted...Too Late?
A presidential order to lift the emergency rule at one minute past midnight on Wednesday [17 December 2008] has gone through, Nur Mohammad, inspector general of police, said.
"There is no emergency after one minute past midnight [1801 GMT, Tuesday]," Mohammad said.
Emergency laws had been in force since January 11, 2007, after months of violent political strikes across the country. >more>
"There is no emergency after one minute past midnight [1801 GMT, Tuesday]," Mohammad said.
Emergency laws had been in force since January 11, 2007, after months of violent political strikes across the country. >more>
Chittagong Hill Tracks
Decidedly untypical of Bangladesh in topography and culture, the Chittagong Hill Tracts have steep jungle hills, Buddhist tribal peoples and relatively low-density population. The tracts are about 60km (37mi) east of Chittagong. The region comprises a mass of hills, ravines and cliffs covered with dense jungle, bamboo, creepers and shrubs, and have four main valleys formed by the Karnapuli, Feni, Shangu and Matamuhur rivers.
Rangamati, a lush and verdant rural area belonging to the Chakma tribe, is open to visitors, as is Kaptai Lake. The lake, ringed by thick tropical and semi-evergreen forests, looks like nothing else in Bangladesh. While the lake itself is beautiful, the thatched fishing villages located on the lakeshore are what make a visit really special.
Boats that visit the villages leave from Rangamati. Bring your swimming gear because you can take a plunge anywhere. >more>
Rangamati, a lush and verdant rural area belonging to the Chakma tribe, is open to visitors, as is Kaptai Lake. The lake, ringed by thick tropical and semi-evergreen forests, looks like nothing else in Bangladesh. While the lake itself is beautiful, the thatched fishing villages located on the lakeshore are what make a visit really special.
Boats that visit the villages leave from Rangamati. Bring your swimming gear because you can take a plunge anywhere. >more>
The Elusive Peace Accord in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh and the Plight of the Indigenous People
The Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Accord, signed in 1997, promised to end a long-standing armed conflict and grant a host of benefits to the indigenous people occupying the south-eastern region of Bangladesh. After a decade the accord has yet to bear fruit; it remains unimplemented and the suffering, misery, subordination, and exploitation of the indigenous people continue. Our study reveals that the accord has failed to protect the indigenous communities from >more>
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rangamati may witness a triangular fight
With Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samity (PCJSS) participating in theparliamentary election in Chittagong Hill Tracts for the first time >more>
Jimmy-Watch: Bandarban and Rangamati
"U.S. citizens are advised against traveling to the Khagrachari, Rangamatiand Bandarban Hill Tracts districts (collectively known as the ChittagongHill Tracts) due to kidnappings and other security incidents, includingthose involving >more>
Bangladesh emergency laws lifted
"In some areas, especially in Dhaka, Chittagong and mainland Bangladesh you could see a revival of civil rights but in some areas such as the Chittagong Hill Tracts I think the army still has full control of the situation," he said. >more>
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Election 2008: Defenders of the minority vote
If we look at the intersection between religious and ethnic minority in Jumma people of Chittagong Hill Tracts, we find these were areas withlowest voter >more>
AL tough on graft, terrorism
While it repeats some promises it failed to keep in the past, the election manifesto of Awami League (AL) espouses some new ideas in addressing socio political issues, including explicit promises to keep law enforcing agencies above politics, and banning religious extremism and terrorism >more>
BNP sketchy about crucial issues
Although the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) were destabilised by Aiyub Khan'smilitary regime during the Pakistani eras by pushing the indigenous peopleout of their homes and promoting migration of 'plainlanders' into thoseareas >more>
Election 2008: Defenders of Minority Vote
If we look at the intersection between religious and ethnic minority inJumma people of Chittagong Hill Tracts, we find these were areas withlowest voter turnout. According to >more>
Small infrastructure projects change lives of tribals in Bangladesh
The villagers of Tanchangya tribe, one of the 13 tribes in Chittagong HillTracts, in Paglimulch Village of Rangamati District used to collect waterfrom a ...>more>
Monday, December 15, 2008
Election 2008: Rights Manifesto
. Guarantee quick legal and administrative steps to stop evictions of theindigenous peoples from their lands in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and plainlands. e. Immediately establish Hill Tracts Land Commission as part the CHTAccord. ...>more>
[ALOCHONA] Economic Analysis of AL's Polls Manifesto
The AL showed its political will in the past by signing the Ganges deal andthe Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Treaty. It will need such wills again forrealising the intentions of joining the Asian Highway and Railway, andbuilding the >more>
Intermezz0: Solving the Inequality Predicament
Ethnic minority and tribal populations in poor Indian northeastern statesand in the Chittagong Hill Tracts have lost ground, reflecting theirlocation on national peripheries and imperial frontiers. Class inequalitydivides people with >more>
Daily Star: Mix of doable, pragmatic and lofty things
The AL showed its political will in the past by signing the Ganges deal andthe Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Treaty. It will need such wills again for >more> ttp://
Bandarban : Beauty of nature
Bandarban is a district in South-Eastern Bangladesh, and a part of theChittagong Division and Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bandarban (meaning the damof monkeys) is also known as Arvumi or the Bohmong Circle (of the rest ofthe three hill >more>
China View: 'Kingdom' system in Bangladesh's Chittagong Hill Tracts still in force
Bangladesh's southeastern Chittagong Hill Tracts, which consists of three districts, was originally inhabited by tribal people.
After liberation in 1971, the Bangladeshi government migrated a lot of Bengalis to settle there where the population of Bengalis is almost the same as the tribal's now>more>
After liberation in 1971, the Bangladeshi government migrated a lot of Bengalis to settle there where the population of Bengalis is almost the same as the tribal's now>more>
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 Historical Turning Points in Kashmir
Quite expectedly, there has been a lot of criticism of British for giving Gurdaspur to India. Allegations of bias have been made. However, almost of these allegations fail to mention the case of Chittagong Hill Tracts, which were given to Pakistan despite 97% non-Muslim population. The rationale of giving Chittagong Hill Tracts to Pakistan was to provide some buffer area to Chittagong (now in Bangladesh) a major city and port and also it was argued that its only approach was through Chittagong >more>
Financial Express: Call for full implementation of CHT peace accord
Discussants at BBC Bangladesh Sanglap demanded full implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) peace accord, introduction of cellular phone network, balanced development for all including ethnic and Bangalee communities and development in the tourism sector in the hill district. >more>
UPR: Despite Progress Bangladesh Faces Criticism
UNPO highlights the difficult situation of Chittagong Hill Tracts in recentUPR statement on Bangladesh. The Universal Period Review (UPR) is a schemeunder >more>
Tribune: ULFA vying for base in China: DGP
Chandigarh Tribune - IndiaThe senior police official further informed that the banned ULFA was stillhaving some training camps in Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT) in Bangladeshwhile a ...>more>
Unheardvoice: Analyzing Election Data - 3
And particularly in areas such as the Chittagong Hill Tracts, lowparticipation of voters would once again raise the ongoing concerns overthe rights and voices of minority groups. The world has witnessed how a bigvoter turnout changed >more>
Mukta Mano: Election 2008 and a dream manifesto
resolve the problems in Chittagong Hill Tracts considering the right ofdifferent ethnic groups there. Besides it will also stop the phenomenon ofextra judiciary killing in the country. The above manifesto may seem to beoverambitious. >more>
Monday, December 8, 2008
Daily Star: Deprivation or abstention?
And we can guess what happened in the three constituencies in theChittagong Hill Tracts. In Cox's Bazaar-3, the election was held onNovember 1, ...>more>
Daily Star: A dream manifesto
If X wins it will resolve the problems in Chittagong Hill Tractsconsidering the right of different ethnic groups there. Besides, it willalso stop extra >more>
New Nation: Rigorous investigation of HR abuses urged
funded by EC include anti-trafficking, birth registration, preventingviolence against women and confidence building in the Chittagong HillTracts >more> Army ready to build Chittagong-Yangon link: Moeen
A solid communication system is necessary for the development of thesocio-economic structure of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. "The government hasawarded the >more>
Burma News: Border Police Eqquiped with shopisticated weapons
The Burmese Army is being deployed in Pletwa Town of Chin State, Burmawhich has a border with Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Moreover, theBurmese Navy also conducted naval exercises at Sittwe and Kyauk Pru navalbases>more>
Unheard Voice: Analyzing Election Data - 2
In the context of alleged deprivation of minority groups from casting theirvotes, our analysis shows very low voter turnout in many minority areasincluding the Chittagong Hill Tracts. We will discuss this in the next partof our ...>more>
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Iftekhar: Bangladesh Rural Advancement Company
Every time I go down to the Chittagong Hill Tracts, doctors urge me tostart a course of chloroquin – even though the drug no longer works. Ionce tried to buy artemesinin, and I had to search the drugstores in Dhakahigh and low >more>
My City: Chittagong Hill Tracts
The early history of the Chittagong Hill Tracts is a record of constantlyrecurring raids on the part of the eastern hill tribes, and of theoperations undertaken to repress them. The earliest mention of these raidsis to be found in a >more>
Friday, December 5, 2008 Bangladesh faces transition to democracy or dark road to chaos
persecution of religious minorities, especially Hindus in Bangladesh,and the mistreatment of tribal people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts >more>
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Daily Star: AL pledges to tackle graft, food prices
The draft says AL will implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts peace accordfor socio-economic development of the hill districts. A team of experts ledby AL >more>
America Buddhist Net: BANGLADESH Church Provides Spiritual Care, Moral Guidance In Remote Areas
BANDARBAN, Bangladesh (UCAN) -- Catechists "spread the light of education" by reaching out through Church-run education centers to the dispersed Catholics in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.>more>
Next elected govt must honour CHT Peace Treaty
4, 2008 Editorial It is a testimony to the chauvinistic mindset of the country’s ruling classes that 11 years since the signing of the landmarktreaty that ended two decades of armed insurgency in the Chittagong HillTracts the state >more>
Sawlakia: Hmar - People and land - Hmarland and Hmar people
They live mostly in the hills of south Manipur, Mizoram, Cachar, NorthCachar , Meghalaya , Tripura. Burma ( Myanmar ) and Chittagong Hill Tracts.Although these areas are under different administrative set ups, they aregeographically >more>
AI: Human rights in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
Bangladesh: Human rights in the Chittagong Hill Tracts Amnesty ...This document gives a summary of the situation in the Chittagong HillTracts since the 1960s where a culture of violence has allowed human rightsviolations > more >
Daily Star: A glimpse of adivasi life

A total of 14 ethnic groups including Chakma, Marma, Tanchangya, Garo(Mandi), Tripura, Malo, Khyang and others participated at the festival witha range of >more>
Daily Star: Bumper fish catches at Kaptai Lake

The Daily Star - Dhaka,BangladeshRangamati Hill District Council Chairman Jagat Jyoti Chakma said fishproduction will be much higher if the lake is given to the districtcouncil. >more>
Daily Star: A Show with a Difference

The indigenous community of Bangladesh 'weaved their hearts together' at a cultural programme in the city. At the Bangladesh China Friendship Conference Centre a three-day vibrant festival was held from November 30 to introduce the cultural life of the hill people >more>
Daily Star: Forge strong unity to establish rights

Parbatya Chattagram Janasanghati Samity (PCJSS) Chairman Jyotirindra Bodhipriyo Larma alias Shantu Larma yesterday called on the indigenous people to forge a strong unity and launch a movement to establish their rights. more> Church Provides Spiritual Care, Moral Guidance In Remote Areas
Catechists "spread the light of education" by reaching out throughChurch-run education centers to the dispersed Catholics in the ChittagongHill Tracts. (more...)
bdnews: Bangladesh News Papers
Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samiti (PCJSS) Chairman JyotirindraBodhipriyo Larma known as Santu Larma today said consequences of thenon-implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) peace treaty wouldnot be good. .> detail>
Monday, December 1, 2008
Deshcalling: 4 reasons why the Chief of Army Staff should resign right now

This is the condition of an Army which had initiated and fought theLiberation War to a successful conclusion; an Army which had successfullyfought a 20-year counter-insurgency war in the Chittagong Hill Tracts andan Army which had >detail>
Daily Star: Chittagong Hill Tracts and the missing Pahari vote
BURIED in the middle of the raja-raja war over elections is news of the ulu-khagra getting crushed. I first saw the news in an item in Shamokal: in a list of political parties denied registration, two names jumped out. UPDF (United Peoples Democratic Front) and PCJSS (Parbotto Chottogram Jonoshonghoti Samity) -- the only two large political parties representing the rights of the Pahari/Jumma people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.>detail>
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