Ivan Pictet, speaking at the awards, announced that Munem Wasif, one of the photographers shortlisted for the Prix Pictet, will be awarded the commission to photograph Water Aid’s Chittagong Hill Tracts Project in Bangladesh which is supported by Pictet & Cie. >detail>
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Daily star: AL gives Nov 4 deadline to remove its chief, 4 members
Khagrachhari district Awami League yesterday gave the government a November 4 deadline for removal of Khagrachhari Hill District Council (KHDC) chairman and its four members for their alleged involvement with BNP-Jamaat politics and their 'planned design' to influence the upcoming national election.>detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=60959
New Nation: Shantu Larma calls on CEC
Parbatya Chattagram Jana Sanghati Samity (PCJSS) Chairman Jyotirindra Bodhiprio Larma alias Shantu Larma yesterday called on Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Dr ATM Shamsul Huda at his office here.
After the meeting, Shantu Larma told reporters that he had discussions with the CEC on election in the hill areas, electoral process and electoral laws.>detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/30/news0702.htm
After the meeting, Shantu Larma told reporters that he had discussions with the CEC on election in the hill areas, electoral process and electoral laws.>detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/30/news0702.htm
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Daily star: Turmeric cultivation thrives in CHT

Easy method of cultivation, less monetary involvement and less risk of animal or pesticide attack are also the reasons for turmeric cultivation> detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=60935
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
accentonwildbirds.com: Shanti Bahini

Time of India: Torchbearer of change
An exclusive liberal arts university for women, coming up in Chittagong's densely forested hill tracts-once sanctuary to the guerrillas who fought for an independent Bangladesh in 1971-AUW symbolises a radical change that seeks to free the beleaguered country from the fetters of conservatism. >detail> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Review/Torchbearer_of_change/articleshow/3641602.cms
New Nation: “Woyagowaipoye”
Like other Buddhists of the world indigenous Marma and Rakhain Buddhist devotees celebrate "Woyagowaipoye" to mark the event of Prabarana Purnima in a colorful mood. For this occasion they gather largely in "Buddha Dhatu Jadi" (Golden Temple) and Raj Vihar of Bandarban> detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/24/news0052.htm
Daily Star: Santal: A neglected indigenous community

The Santals, who live scattered in Khagrachhari hill district, are deprived of their fundamental rights like education and healthcare. The indigenous community depends largely on natural forest resources and they hardly enjoys the rights as people of plain land have. >detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=59869
Daily Star: Mong Raja Prue Chy cremated

The cremation ceremony of late Mong Raja Paihala Prue Chowdhury was held yesterday in Khagrachhari.Hundreds of people started to gather at the residence of the late Mong Raja at Madhubazar (zero mile) in the hill district from the morning to pay homage to him. >detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=60742
New Nation: Hill man abducted
Ganatantrik Jubo Forum, Greater Chittagong Hill Tracts Student's Council and Hill Women Federation, in a joint statement, protested Kidnapping of Jayanta Sen Chakma alias Bharat Baiddo (55), of Rangamati. In a joint statement on October, 26, the leaders of three organisations said a group kidnapped Jayanta to create violence during upcoming election. >detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/28/news0325.htm
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Daily News: Tobacco cultivation expands in CHT
Commercial cultivation of tobacco is increasing in the three hill districts despite protests by environmentalists, damaging the environment, reducing soil fertility and occupying more and plain lands earlier used for growing rice and other crops.> detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=60338
Saturday, October 25, 2008
bdnews24.com: Adivashis want rights in party manifestos
The demand charter includes acknowledgement of constitutional rights for indigenous people, primary education in their mother tongue, enforcement of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord, a separate voter roll, making the CHT land commission effective, formation of a separate land commission for indigenous people living in the plains land, recognition of their traditional land rights and restoration of land and reservation of seats at all levels of government from local to national. > detail> http://bdnews24.com/details.php?id=66440&cid=2
Resolution from last Sunday's Hannover conference on Bangladesh
5. Respectfully hopes that the incoming democratic government will implement the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord in full > detail> http://ericavebury.blogspot.com/2008/10/resolution-from-last-sundays-hannover.html
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Daily Ittefaq: Mong Raja
The news published on Thurdays October 23, 2008 in the "Shes Pata" section,
Sindh Today: Bangladesh’s tribal chief dies in road accident
Dhaka, Oct 23 (IANS) Head of the Mong tribe, Raja Paihala Prue Chowdhury, was killed when a bus carrying him plunged into a roadside ditch at Patachhara near Ramgarh in Khagrachhari district in Chittagong Hill Tracts. >detail> http://www.sindhtoday.net/south-asia/30509.htm
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
NDTV.com: Bangla tribal 'king' dies in road crash
The 'king' of Bangladesh's one of the major ethnic minority groups in south-eastern hills was killed in a road crash on Wednesday.The tribal king, Paihalaprue Chowdhury was killed in an accident in Khagrachhari hill district, officials said.>detail> http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/story.aspx?id=NEWEN20080069728&ch=10/22/2008%208:17:00%20PM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Narinjara: Arakanese Elephants to be Tracked with Video
"I heard from local hunters in Buthidaung Township that many wild elephants have already moved to Chittagong Hill Tract areas in Bangladesh from the Mayu Range in recent years because they are being trapped by some elephant poachers in the Mayu Range," he said.> detail> http://www.narinjara.com/details.asp?id=1943
Telegraph: Intrusion slur on Mizo police
Allegations of encroachment on Tripura’s territory by jawans of Mizoram Armed Police and their increasing forays into Reang and Chakma tribal-dominated villages have given rise to tension in North Tripura’s border areas with Mizoram.> detail> http://www.telegraphindia.com/1081021/jsp/northeast/story_9994709.jsp
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Daily Star: 'Increase edn facilities for CHT children'
Civil society members at a seminar on child rights held at Bandarban Shishu Academy yesterday stressed on increasing educational facilities for children in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT).> detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=59468
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Daily Star: Set up land commission to protect rights of indigenous people
Speakers at a seminar yesterday demanded the government constitute a permanent land commission to protect the land rights of the indigenous people in Chittagong hill tracts and plainland areas.> detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=59380
Friday, October 17, 2008
Daily Star: Passengers suffer as bus terminal lacks facilities
Thousands of passengers in north Chittagong, Khagrachhari and Rangamati have been facing manifold problems as the bus terminal at Oxygen Intersection in the port city lacks necessary facilities. > detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=58870
Daily Star: “Wagai-poiway” celebrated in Bandarban
"Wogai-poiway" the biggest religious festival of the Marma community was celebrated in Bandarban with much enthusiasm and deference.>detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=58832
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Defence.pk: Military must not dominate civil administration
have been deployed in all the district headquarters of the 64 districtsof Bangladesh since the state of emergency besides the decades' longfull-fledged militarization of three districts in the hill tracks ofChittagong region> detail> http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/15259-bangladesh-military-must-not-dominate-civil-administration.html
New Nation: Travel: Eid pleasure at Cox’s Bazar
Our visit to Aggmeda Khyang was mesmerizing. It is a large Buddhist monastery, and a place revered by around 400,000 Buddhist people of Cox's Bazar and the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The main sanctuary is posted on a series of round timber columns. It has a prayer chamber and an assembly hall along with a repository of small bronze Buddha images and a number of old manuscripts. >deatil> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/17/news0229.htm
Daily Star: “Gangkhachhimee” observed in CHT
Devotees of Buddha observed the Gangkhachhimee festival at several locales in the Chittagong Hill Tract (CHT).>detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=59005
The Time of India: City to host Indian writers' meet
The first day programme at 11 am will see readings by Pranjit Bora (Assamese), Jogamaya Chakma (Chakma), Dilip Jhaveri (Gujarati), R.S. Bhaskar (Konkani), Prafull Shiledar (Marathi), Mohan Subedi (Nepali) and Indira Poonawala (Sindhi). > detail> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Pune/City_to_host_Indian_writers_meet/articleshow/3600852.cms
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
ReliefWeb: Bangladesh: Initiatives to tackle monga
Nearly two-thirds of the total food distribution is done through seven main channels of the PFDS - Open Market Sales, Vulnerable Group Development, Vulnerable Group Feeding, Food for Work, Test Relief, Gratuitous Relief and Food Assistance for the Chittagong Hill Tracts Region. > detail > http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900SID/PANA-7KEGAE?OpenDocument
New Nation: RHDC, district administration distribute relief in Rangamati
Rangamati Hill District Council (RHDC) has started distributing cash as Eid relief among poor people while District Administration completed relief distribution against 50,000 vulnerable group feeding (VGF) cards on the occasion of Ramzan, officials concerned said. RHDC, a supervisory and development organization of the district has allocated Taka 70,000 for poor people as Eid relief.> detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/05/news0892.htm
Daily Star: Kathin Chibar Daan festival begins tomorrow
'Danutthum Kathin Chibar Dan', one of the biggest religious festivals of Buddhist community in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), will begin here tomorrow.> detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=58740
Angelfire: CHT opposed Pakistan
When World War II virtually ended in favour of the allies, the British government decided to abdicate sovereignty of India with a pledge to give the Muslims a home land - Pakistan. Lord Wavell sat in conference at Simla to accord an Interim Government - July, 1945.
Finding independence and partition of India inevitable, the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peoples Association (Parbattya Chattagram Jana Samity - PCJS) of which I was General Secretary, sent me to the Wavell conference to meet the Congress high command and other leaders with a memorandum. I held long discussions with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad on CHT. > detail> http://www.angelfire.com/ab/jumma/bground/SKChakma.html
Finding independence and partition of India inevitable, the Chittagong Hill Tracts Peoples Association (Parbattya Chattagram Jana Samity - PCJS) of which I was General Secretary, sent me to the Wavell conference to meet the Congress high command and other leaders with a memorandum. I held long discussions with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad on CHT. > detail> http://www.angelfire.com/ab/jumma/bground/SKChakma.html
JumeLine: MSF Holland launches a new programme
MSF Holland launches a new programme on healthcare in January 2009 in the CHT. It is still immature to tell about the areas to be covered. However, they prefer to keep Sajek Union as of the areas as it is familiar to them. The project formulation is on and once it is finalised and approved by its headquarters they would apply to the NGO Affairs Bureau for GoB clearance.> detail> http://rupayancht.blogspot.com/2008/10/msf-closes-down-its-nurition-programme.html
Daily Star: Cultural programme for community awareness in Khagrachhari
Trinamul Unnayan Sangstha, a local NGO working for the indigenous people arranged a cultural programme last Sunday at a remote village Mrachanai, under Sadar upazila in the hill district Khagrachhari, to generate community awareness.> detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=58548
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Daily Star: Myanmar general departs
Maj Gen Shamim Chowdhury received Maung Aye at local circuit house.
Later, the Myanmar leader enjoyed a cruise in Kaptai Lake in an air force vessel and a cultural function at Girishova Restaurant in Rangamati town. He left Rangamati for Chittagong at 3:00pm.> Detail>
Later, the Myanmar leader enjoyed a cruise in Kaptai Lake in an air force vessel and a cultural function at Girishova Restaurant in Rangamati town. He left Rangamati for Chittagong at 3:00pm.> Detail>
New Nation: Donors' role in CHT criticised
AS appeared in media recently, an independent international commission opined that multilateral and bilateral donors have given rise to 'some controversies' while carrying out development work in the Chittagong Hill Tracts after the 1997 peace treaty. The Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission co-chair Lord Eric Avebury, a member of the Upper House of the British Parliament, expressed his critical > detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/10/news0439.htm
bdnews24.com: No farmland, no gas as Aye leaves
The vice senior general, along with his 54-member entourage, flew to Chittagong Hill Tracts to visit Rangamati in the morning. In Dhaka, the general had been seen off at the Tejgaon helipad by foreign adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, who said "political relations> detail> http://bdnews24.com/details.php?id=64741&cid=2
Unted States of Asia: Refugees in our homeland
Chittagong Hill Tracts(Bangladesh) already under Bengali colonialism, the resurgence of Bodo's for a Bodoland is in the right direction.The Bodo's have every right to determine the destiny of their own identity. As an indegenous tribe, it is their fundamental right to protect their own identity. > detail> http://unitedstatesofeast.blogspot.com/2008/10/refugees-in-our-own-homeland.html
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Hindu: Abducted teacher released in Aizawl
The headmaster of a school, who was abducted by unidentified men who claimed to be members of Chakma gang, was released after leaders of Young Chakma Association (YCA) negotiated with the kidnappers, police said here today. > detail> http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/004200810071780.htm
Monday, October 6, 2008
Prothom Alo: রাঙামািটর োবতবઓিনয়ায় ইটভাটা એઐাপেন ধািন জিম কাটা হে੧ছ
ইটভাটা એઐাপেনর জনઘ রাঙামািটর কাউখালী উপেজলার োবতবઓিনয়া ইউিনয়েনর কাশখালী োমৗজার বড়িবল এলাকার একিট অংেশর অাট একর ধািন জিম কাটা হে੧ছ৷ োসখােন ইটভাটা એઐাপেনর পেਉ-িবপেਉ অবએઐােন িনেয়েছ এলাকাবাসী৷ সরকাির িনেষধাਛা সেਡંও রিਉত বেনর পােশ ভাটািট એઐাপন করা হে੧ছ৷
োরাববার সেরজিমেন োদখা োগেছ, পাহােড়র মাঝামািঝ একিট িবেলর অাট একর জায়গাজઓেড় ৩০-৩৫ জন অািদবাসী নারী-পઓরઔষ কঁাচা ধােনর চারা োকেট োফলেছ৷ > detail> http://www.prothom-alo.com/mcat.news.details.php?nid=MTIxMDYy&mid=Ng==
োরাববার সেরজিমেন োদখা োগেছ, পাহােড়র মাঝামািঝ একিট িবেলর অাট একর জায়গাজઓেড় ৩০-৩৫ জন অািদবাসী নারী-পઓরઔষ কঁাচা ধােনর চারা োকেট োফলেছ৷ > detail> http://www.prothom-alo.com/mcat.news.details.php?nid=MTIxMDYy&mid=Ng==
Prothom Alo: Popularity of Coffee Cultivation
পাবગতઘ চਜগઝােম নতઓন অথગকরী ফসেলর তািলকায় যઓਡઙ হেয়েছ কিফর নাম৷ ইিতমেধઘ বা੯দরবান ও খাগড়াছিড়েত োবশ কেয়কজন কৄষক কিফ চাষ কের বাড়িত অােয়র বઘবએઐা কেরেছন৷জানা োগেছ, বা੯দরবােনর রઔমা উপেজলার বম সઃপઝদােয়র মানઓষ দীঘગিদন ধের িনেজেদর খাওয়ার জনઘ কিফ চাষ কের অাসিছল৷ পাবગতઘ চਜগઝাম উনੱয়ন োবােডગর িমশઝ ফসল চাষ পઝকেઈপর মাধઘেম খাগড়াছিড়র রামগড় ও দীিঘনালা উপেজলায় পઓনবગািসত পাহািড়-বাঙািল চািষরা িতন বছর ধের কিফ চাষ করেছ৷> detail>
TMCnet.com: Teletalk Bangladesh, Nokia Siemens Networks to Double Subscriber Capacity
The number of TeleTalk subscribers was 1.07 million customers in June while it fell to 0.93 million in July and 0.89 million in August. Incidentally, Teletalk Bangladesh was the first mobile telephone company to enhance its networks to three hill districts including Rangamati, Bandarban and Khagrachori in Bangladesh> detail> http://fixed-mobile-convergence.tmcnet.com/topics/mobile-communications/articles/41886-teletalk-bangladesh-nokia-siemens-networks-double-subscriber-capacity.htm
New Nation: http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/09/16/news0651.htm
Coffee cultivation has been gaining popularity among the farmers of the three hill districts under 'Mixed crop cultivation project'.Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board started the nine-year project with a view to popularize some non-traditional value added crops like coffee, orange in Bandarban, Rangamati and Khagrachhari districts.>detail>
Mynews.in, India: Continued Military Repression and Human Rights Violation
The movement of the Jumma indigenous peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts started with a demand for self-determination in 1972. It was democratic in nature >detail>
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Daily Ittefaq: BDR and Settlers crashdown in Rangamati
The news was published on divisonal news section on 6th Oct, 2008 > detal > http://www.ittefaq.com/content/2008/10/06/news0845.htm
Prothom Alo: Rates invasion in Bandarban
The news was published on 6th Oct, 2008 "Shes Pata" section > detail> http://www.prothom-alo.com/mcat.news.details.php?nid=MTIwODI2&mid=Mg==
Prothom Alo: Rangamati General Hospita
The news was published on the 6th Oct. 2008 on "Bishal Bangla" section, please find > detal> http://www.prothom-alo.com/mcat.news.details.php?nid=MTIwOTA5&mid=Ng==
Sindh Today.net: Retiring railwayman flags off inaugural train from Agartala (Lead)
Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar said: ‘After the Indian Railways extends its line up to Sabroom, it would be very easy to connect with the Chittagong international port in southeast Bangladesh, which is just 75 km from there.’
A small bridge over river Feni can connect Sabroom and Khagrachari, across the border in Bangladesh, to open a second railway link between the two neighbours after the Kolkata-Dhaka rail service that started April 14, 2008, after a gap of 43 years.
‘After extending the railway line to Sabroom, Tripura and the entire northeast would be linked with Southeast Asia very easily,’ Sarkar told IANS.> detail> http://www.sindhtoday.net/south-asia/25948.htm
A small bridge over river Feni can connect Sabroom and Khagrachari, across the border in Bangladesh, to open a second railway link between the two neighbours after the Kolkata-Dhaka rail service that started April 14, 2008, after a gap of 43 years.
‘After extending the railway line to Sabroom, Tripura and the entire northeast would be linked with Southeast Asia very easily,’ Sarkar told IANS.> detail> http://www.sindhtoday.net/south-asia/25948.htm
Gulf Times: Agartala linked to rail network
A small bridge over river Feni can connect Sabroom and Khagrachari, across the border in Bangladesh, to open a second railway link between the two neighbours after the Kolkata-Dhaka rail service that started on April 14, 2008, after a gap of 43 years.
“After extending the railway line to Sabroom, Tripura and the entire northeast would be linked with Southeast Asia very easily,” Sarkar said.
Meanwhile, the NFR has already conducted a survey to connect Agartala with Akhaurah railway station in Bangladesh. >detail> http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=245949&version=1&template_id=40&parent_id=22
“After extending the railway line to Sabroom, Tripura and the entire northeast would be linked with Southeast Asia very easily,” Sarkar said.
Meanwhile, the NFR has already conducted a survey to connect Agartala with Akhaurah railway station in Bangladesh. >detail> http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=245949&version=1&template_id=40&parent_id=22
Narinjara: General Maung Aye to Arrive Tuesday in Bangladesh
Maung Aye's itinerary includes a visit to the National Mausoleum at Savar, the Military Institute of Science and Technology at Mirpur in Dhaka, and a tour of Rangamati in Chittagong Hill Tract. He will leave from Chittagong Hill Tract for Burma on 9 October.
His visit is taking place after Bangladesh and Burma signed an agreement in Dhaka in July 2007 to establish a 25-kilometer direct road link between the two neighbors to boost trade and tourism. The US $20 million "Friendship Road" from Gundhum in Cox's Bazar to Baulibazar in Burma's Maungdaw was also designed to connect with China's Kunming City under a tri-nation road connectivity plan that will give further access to Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, as well as the Asian Highway.> detail> http://www.narinjara.com/details.asp?id=1923
His visit is taking place after Bangladesh and Burma signed an agreement in Dhaka in July 2007 to establish a 25-kilometer direct road link between the two neighbors to boost trade and tourism. The US $20 million "Friendship Road" from Gundhum in Cox's Bazar to Baulibazar in Burma's Maungdaw was also designed to connect with China's Kunming City under a tri-nation road connectivity plan that will give further access to Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore, as well as the Asian Highway.> detail> http://www.narinjara.com/details.asp?id=1923
Prothom Alo: Settlers, BDR and Police crash down in Baghaichari
On 5th Octber 2008 Prothom Alo reports on SARA Desh section > detail > http://www.prothom-alo.com/mcat.news.details.php?nid=MTIwNjYy&mid=NQ==
Saturday, October 4, 2008
New Nation: RHDC, district administration distribute relief in Rangamati
Rangamati Hill District Council (RHDC) has started distributing cash as Eid relief among poor people while District Administration completed relief distribution against 50,000 vulnerable group feeding (VGF) cards on the occasion of Ramzan, officials concerned said. RHDC, a supervisory and development organization of the district has allocated Taka 70,000 for poor people as Eid relief. The organisation distributed money every year on the occasion of Eid to help the poor in celebrating Eid > detail> http://nation.ittefaq.com/issues/2008/10/05/news0892.htm
Daily Star: Wild pig invasion in CHT jhum crops
Attack of wild pigs on jhum crops in remote hilly areas in Thanchi and Ruma upazilas in Bandarban has added to the hardship of marginal and landless indigenous jhum farmers who are yet to recover from last year's 'indur banya' (massive rat invasion).
Jhum farmers in different areas of Rangamati and Khagrachhari are also facing similar situation. > detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=57276
Jhum farmers in different areas of Rangamati and Khagrachhari are also facing similar situation. > detail> http://www.thedailystar.net/story.php?nid=57276
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Daily Star: Digitisation must for land reforms
A high-powered government taskforce is going to recommend digitisation of the country's entire land records and turning district administration offices into monitoring bodies from its present role of service provider to ensure transparency and reduce corruption.
Led by former adviser to a caretaker government Abdul Muyeed Chowdhury, the five-member taskforce said a commission should be formed comprised of government and non-government experts to spearhead modernisation of records and land registration system. > detail>
Led by former adviser to a caretaker government Abdul Muyeed Chowdhury, the five-member taskforce said a commission should be formed comprised of government and non-government experts to spearhead modernisation of records and land registration system. > detail>
Organiser: Buddhist Chakmas under threat of proselytisation
SILCHAR: Subtle moves are on for conversion of Buddhist Chakmas in certain areas of Mizoram and Tripura and also to take away their land for construction of churches. “These kinds of activities have been going on for sometime,” alleged Shri Basant Kumar Chakma.
Kantalang is a Chakma dominated village in the Phailo subdivision of Mammit district of Mizoram, bordering Tripura. Peace loving Buddhists of the village are gripped with panic due to missionaries’ interference with the backing of the state.
> detail> http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=257&page=26
Kantalang is a Chakma dominated village in the Phailo subdivision of Mammit district of Mizoram, bordering Tripura. Peace loving Buddhists of the village are gripped with panic due to missionaries’ interference with the backing of the state.
> detail> http://www.organiser.org/dynamic/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=257&page=26
AI: Bangladesh: Medical concern/Torture/Legal concern: Rang Lai Mro
Indigenous community leader Rang Lai Mro, who is serving a jail sentence imposed after an unfair trial, is being refused medical treatment for a serious heart condition. He is the head of a community of indigenous Mro people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), in the south-east of the country, and is held in Chittagong District Jail. He is at risk of having a heart attack any time > detail> http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/info/ASA12/003/2008/en
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